Digital Signature Certificates no more required for Import Export Code application

Earlier in order to obtain Import Export Code (IEC), Digital Signature Certificate was mandatory for submitting e-IEC application, Since there were many difficulties in order to submit application through Digital Signature Certificate, DGFT (Director General of Foreign Trade) vide public notice no 27 dated 08th August 2018 has removed Digital Signature Certificate for submitting the…

Digital Signature in Hindi – डिजिटल सिग्नेचर क्या हैं?

डिजिटल सिग्नेचर क्या है ? (Digital Signature in Hindi) आजकल सभी सरकारी सेवायें लोगों को “ई-गवर्नेंस” के माध्‍यम से प्राप्‍त हो रही हैं, जिसमें पेनकार्ड, वोटरकार्ड, आधार कार्ड के अलावा कई प्रकार के ऐसे प्रमाण पञ भी हैं जिसके के लिये आपको अपने जिले के सरकारी दफ्तरों तक जाना पडता था, जैसे आय-जाति-निवास अादि प्रमाण पञ आदि। पहले…

Register DSC on MCA

Register DSC on MCA

Any person who is a Director of a Company or a Designated Partner of a LLP or a Professional like Chartered Accountant or Company Secretary must register Digital Signature Certificate on Ministry Of Corporate Affairs (Register DSC on MCA) portal to file forms. If a Digital Signature Certificate is not registered on the MCA portal,…

Digital signatures for mobiles become a reality in India

Digital signature, possible now only through computers in India, will soon be provided through mobile phones. Indian firm MobME Wireless Solutions has signed agreements with Netherlands-based Gemalto and Finland-based Valimo Wireless Oy, to provide digital signature services on mobile phones. “With over 900 million mobile phone subscribers and 15 million broadband users, the mobile phone…